(scroll to posts 1-7 of this blog, to see MAIN LEVEL posts)
ARTICLES OF INTEREST: SUBSET LEVEL (news & miscellaneous):







11:31 AM (2/20/23):
"Personally, I view the leaders of countries... as reflections, of the ideals that they hold in high esteem (respectively)... at varying chapters, of spacetime..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:38 AM (2/23/23):

11:30 AM (2/20/23):
11:59 AM (2/20/23):

10:29 AM (2/20/23):
(something I was thinking of, earlier today - 2/20/23)

8:40 PM (2/18/23):

3:28 PM (2/17/23):
Caption: 0:00-0:20 made me think of 'competing for the thrill'... ...New 3000-meter world record...

2:06 PM (2/17/23):
Caption: Catchy music, although I don't understand the words...

2:01 PM (2/17/23):
Caption: Excellent opera singer...

ARTICLES OF INTEREST: MAIN LEVEL (news & miscellaneous):
Vince Carter-Right/Wrong - YouTube (the music of this video, plays well... when viewed to the prior one... if one starts the prior video, when this one is around the 2:00 mark)
If timed correctly, a dude is doing a 360-degree dunk (in slow motion)... from 2:25-2:31... as the music, complements such

1:00 PM (2/17/23):
(breaking news - should I go in)

1:04 PM (2/17/23):
The words 'ethicists are already considering how the rights of aliens would fit into our legal and ethical frameworks'... were resonating... Perhaps that sentiment, is mutual... when dealing with advanced extraterrestrials...
NOTE #2:
This blog of mine, is arguably more elaborative... than the prior NASA article...

12:47 PM (2/17/23):
 Caption: 'Dimensional pizza (atop fries),' cafeteria-style...

When I read the first sentence of this article, for some reason... the first words that came to my mind, were 'if someone (a non-native) says he/she is going to Germany, one thinks he/she is trying to act fancy... and elitist'... ...perhaps, because of the country's 'name pronunciation'...

SAMPLE CONVERSATION (via the phone):
"Have you been to Germany...?" - German native (elderly female)
"No, I haven't... but I am visiting tomorrow..." - Brazilian native (middle-aged male)
"...by what means, and for what reason... ...you've never been there, before..." - Brazilian native (middle-aged male's female cousin)

10:19 AM (2/17/23):
This video was uploaded, for educational purposes... 0:00-0:49, seems like a 'crescendo' to me... in the context, of the complementing music... The other part which I found salient, was 6:21-8:28...

10:28 AM (2/17/23):
MINDING THE MIND (memoryjog32.blogspot.com) (relevant blog, regarding posts 4-6)

10:37 AM (2/17/23):

10:47 AM (2/17/23):

10:49 AM (2/17/23):


Caption: I suppose a 4.14-D being, in the context of the text within the above blog... is an interdimensional being...


Caption: I wonder how many hours of video, in totality... have been uploaded to YouTube, since the site's inception...

Caption: Interesting documentary, that likely is worth watching... After viewing the first 11 seconds, the statement of '99.86%' made me think of the words 'his accreditation, must have been impeccable'...





11:50 PM (2/12/23):
"Interesting exchange between Bruce Lee and a wise man. One may have m... | TikTok

"When viewing my caption to this video, I couldn't help but wonder 'how many opponents, did this man... have...?'..." - Michael Izuchukwu (as though gazing upon an individual, in the ICU)

12:19 AM (2/13/23):

Madara vs Shinobi Alliance English Dub [2160p] (60FPS) - YouTube


11:25 PM (2/12/23):

you have no choice but to put the hours in. It will pay off. Keep grin... | TikTok 

"An inside look at the life of a dude, engaging in dream attainment..." - Michael Izuchukwu


...maybe he's read this book: think and grow rich - Google Search


11:17 PM (2/12/23):

Hannah G (@gersonderulo) | TikTok
"Interesting introspection, from a female... on the verge of turning 27 years old. She likely has given the concept of 'asymptotic aging' a thought, as well as the notion of living life... with 'regret minimalization'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


1:10 PM (2/10/23):
Top 20 Thomas Sowell quotes | Thomas Sowell best quotes - YouTube
"Wise, intellectual-related advice... with a background that evokes of 'Star Wars (via outer space)'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:20 AM (2/10/23):

(photo I snapped, outside a Wawa in the City of Orange, NJ... at 8:20 AM, today - 2/10/23)
9:23 AM (2/10/23):
"I walked out there, for no particular reason... given that there did not seem to be an option for selecting items, that featured scrambled eggs... after that possibility had been advertised, as an option..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Neil deGrasse on the lie of the moon - YouTube (10:08 AM, on 2/10/23)>>>Due to this video's music, such makes Neil deGrasse Tyson seem like he has the vibe...of one saying, 'you know we're going to grab a couple of cheeseburgers, after this'... 


7:47 AM (2/10/23):
Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz307) | TikTok

"I was thinking of trekking up to Seton Hall University (after catching a train), moments ago (for the sake of getting breakfast there, given that I found the milk that was served at my dominion... to be foul - I did not drink such)... Nevertheless, by watching the above video... my present 'dietary efficiency' was fine-tuned enough, for that sensation to dissipate... The mental simulation of having ingested the food, from the memory of having transported such... was effective enough, for me to be content with an alternative means... of compensating, for the lack of breakfast... I presently have an interest in visiting the Wawa, that I referenced earlier... in this blog..." - Michael Izuchukwu

ℒ𝓊𝓁𝓊 ︀︀︀︀︀🌺 (@444.luiza) | TikTok (10:55 AM, on 2/10/23)>>>'memory-based entanglement'

Life as a Neurosurgeon - YouTube (11:01 AM, on 2/10/23)

"Who is this man (and what car does he drive)... Does JJ know him...?" - John Izuchukwu, Sr. (dad) (11:24 AM, on 2/10/23)

"...don't know, dad (BMW, maybe - like you once did)... and I don't think so... I guess you were wondering, because JJ once had interest in medicine... and after high school, had been offered a spot in medical school... contingent on the completion of his undergraduate years, at the University of Pittsburgh (as of enrolling, in the Fall of 2010)... ...but we know that he was dismissed there, for curious reasons... which I know not of..." - Michael Izuchukwu (11:25 AM, on 2/10/23)

Regarding the Seton Hall servery, the food and the place... is subject to consistency... but the people are subject, to variability...

Wawa Fresh Food Menu: Breakfast, Sizzlis®, Bowls, Baked Goods | Wawa | Wawa (7:55 AM, 2/10/23)


6:29 AM (2/10/23):

What if ET is out there?: Seth Shostak at TEDxSanJoseCA - YouTube (6:47-7:03) >>>video uploaded to YouTube '10' years ago

"Perhaps Dr. Seth Shostak does not have to buy a cup of coffee, in the context... of the following video (regarding potential real estate in the cosmos, that may be inhabited by extraterrestrials)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Alien civilization: Report suggests there may be 36 intelligent aliens in universe - YouTube (0:00-0:18) >>>video uploaded to YouTube, '2' years ago ('36 intelligent aliens' is intended as '36 extraterrestrial civilizations')

[from CREATING YOUR OWN REALITY (thegreatchat.blogspot.com)]:

"I am curious about the names of the planets, these extraterrestrial civilizations... correspond to, and of their locations (within our galaxy, the Milky Way)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

I suspect this announcement, was via Fox News... because such has credibility...

>>>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36<<<

nasa contact - Google Search

Contact (seti.org)


5:41 AM (2/10/23):
Joleen Nguyen (@joleen.nguyen) | TikTok

"If someone says he/she seeks to live her best life, for how long... is there the presumption, that such will last... Is it better to live frivolously but deeply, or meticulously and intrinsically...?" - Michael Izuchukwu

CONTACT - Science VS God Discussion - YouTube (5:48 AM, 2/10/23)


5:32 AM (2/10/23):
kailxwalker (@kailxwalker) | TikTok

"If you could see yourself on the timeline of your life, partitioned into 5-year segments... how far down such, would you look (take into consideration)... for refining your present reality..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:28 AM (2/10/23):

Hakan (@sheryhakan) | TikTok

"In matters of dating, it may be ideal to find a significant other... who shares qualities, that challenge and complement one's own... as opposed to merely being similar..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:18 PM (2/9/23):
"You might not know where you're going, but you have to know... where you've been (if you have a certain destination in mind, but don't know the address)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:08 PM (2/9/23):

Anatu - Bleach - YouTube

"Soothing song, that I encountered... years ago... Some people fail to see, that the paths others are on... cannot be traversed by themselves, if they cannot relate... to ways of least resistance..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:05 PM (2/9/23):

Blue Pill or Red Pill - The Matrix (2/9) Movie CLIP (1999) HD - YouTube

"Defying the conventional, is something... that may require a great deal of commitment, before such is realized..." - Michael Izuchukwu

rae🖤 (@999.bxby) | TikTok (7:00 AM, 2/10/23)>>>19-year-old 'female witch,' attempting to capitalize on spacetime... 

6:57 PM (2/9/23):

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz313) | TikTok

"1,461 days (208 weeks & 5 days) elapsed, between the photo on the left... and the one on the right (when I was 28 and 32 years old, respectively)... It may seem counterintuitive, but I believe that at some point... one's experience of time, becomes more mental... than physical... Albert Einstein attested that such is relative to the observer, and if its effects are correlated to the mind... then asymptotic aging, is arguably a matter of resolve... and unconventional thinking..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz318) | TikTok (6:15 AM, 2/10/23)>>>Imagine the sun, rising and setting... 'that fast (such shows the relativity of motion, in the context of one's position... in spacetime)'...

For instance, I am presently 33 years old (chronologically), but in relation to myself... when I was 28... I feel as though the fluidity of my physiology, has improved... although there are assuredly negligible variables, which may account... for anything that may detract, from my form... then... 

...33 years have passed in time's flow, but that's not how many I have experienced... in spacetime flow...


I believe this 6:57 PM post has credence, given I can fragmentally recollect the hour or so... leading up to me having a photo of myself, snapped... in Monte Irvin Orange Park, on 10/30/18... ...something about the 'mental revisitation of the environmental stimuli,' sticks with me... on that morning... when the sky was golden-orange. A theory of mine is that one has to be able to 'deeply remember' a 3-dimensional cross-section of spacetime (from memory)... for some aspect of entanglement, to occur...


"My father was a watch maker. He abandoned it when Einstein discovered time is relative. I would only agree that a symbolic clock is as nourishing to the intellect, as a photograph of oxygen... to a drowning man..." - Jon Osterman (7:40 PM, 2/9/23) >>>something about this statement, pertains to the prior paragraph...

The Dark Knight Rises - Bane Stadium Speech (HD) IMAX - YouTube (0:06-0:27)

"...will you be at the mercy of spacetime, or take control...?" - Michael Izuchukwu

Why I Am Spending Millions To Be 18 Again - YouTube (8:02 PM, 2/9/23)>>>Enoch's son, Methuselah... didn't spend millions, to live to the age of 969...

Easier said, than done... but with God, all things... are possible...

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz318) | TikTok (I surmise that Neil deGrasse Tyson, was responding to Bryan Johnson, in the prior link - see: 0:58-1:04)


HOW DOES ONE WIN FAVOR, WITH GOD? (jesuswent.blogspot.com)

6:40 PM (2/9/23):
Luli Fama WAPISIMA Resort 2019 / Paraíso Fashion Fair 2018 - YouTube (2:10 - )

"Arguably, the most electrifying fashion show... I have watched, online... One's physique, tends to be a reflection... of one's health and fitness, and the latter requires effort... for maintenance/preservation..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:33 AM (2/9/23):
Suga (@suganazobia) | TikTok

"There is a difference between objectivity and subjectivity, and just as everyone is born uniquely... everyone reserves the right, to have a personal opinion... or belief..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:58 PM (2/6/23):

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz318) | TikTok

"I wonder what Denis Vashurin eats for sustenance... Perhaps there are McDonald's near where he lives, in Russia (the city of Vladivostok)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:05 PM (2/6/23):

X-Men: First Class - Acceptance - YouTube

8:11 PM (2/6/23):

Michio Kaku speaking about the Fountain of Youth - YouTube 


SPIRITUAL OPTIMIZATION (2skywalking47.blogspot.com)

6:23 AM (2/7/23):
"...in the context of 'asymptotic aging,' maybe it's apt (relevant) to say... that if you don't board a boat (or train) before such sets sail (departs), you might miss such... regarding 'checkpoints, of spacetime'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Illusionist/Best scene/Neil Burger/Edward Norton/Paul Giamatti/Jessica Biel/Elias Bauer - YouTube (1:02-1:07)

8:28 AM (2/7/23):
"After showering moments ago, the question occurred to me... of 'what would it take, to wake up one day... and feel truly different?' This is in the context, of a manner... that is arguably of divinity (where one is receiving feedback... that one is on a spiritually ordained path)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Man of Steel - Official Trailer 3 [HD] - YouTube (1:36-1:41)

7:25 PM (2/6/23):

(outside McDonald's in the City of Orange, NJ... at 6:33 PM, today)

(outside a Wawa, in the City of Orange, NJ... at 6:34 PM, today... Such was across the street from McDonald's, a brief walk away... and today was the first time I noticed, such... surprisingly... since my time in East Orange, NJ, as of November 2020... ...such was there all along, but it was as though someone flipped a switch... and such materialized, out of nowhere)

(inside Wawa, at 6:37 PM... today - I didn't buy anything, given that the establishment did not seem to be well-stocked, and I was just browsing)

(staring at a McChicken that I had ordered, at 6:43 PM... today... after having left Wawa, and entered McDonald's)

(enjoying the McChicken, at 6:43 PM... today)

5:53 PM (2/6/23):

fashionnetworkcom (@fashionnetworkcom) | TikTok

"Thoughts...?" - Michael Izuchukwu

5:43 PM (2/6/23):

Jason Lee | Real Estate Inv (@jasonjosephlee) | TikTok

"Inspiring video, regarding the music and typing juxtaposition (aligned with the theme of productivity)... I was feeling frustrated moments ago (which can be habitual, given my present familial circumstances)... but viewing this, mitigated that sensation..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:20 PM (2/6/23):

Caisha (@closingwithcaisha) | TikTok

"Majestic home... My hypothesis (initial impression) is that such costs at least $70,000,000 (although no price is stated)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:08 PM (2/6/23):
Bonjr - Someday We'll Be Together Again - YouTube

"Some colleges have many big fish, while others do not... and they may be in a pond, of use out of mutual interests..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:06 PM (2/6/23):
"A human is like a vector, with magnitude and direction... Most people at a college, have comparable magnitudes... but may be moving, in different directions..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Journalism & Media Studies (@sdsujms) | TikTok

4:58 PM (2/6/23):

Fav homework tool!📚sign up for bartleby using link in my bio! @bartlebysolve #bartleby #sponsored - YouTube

"The college one goes to upon completion of high school, is like a spaetime ship... that takes one to a certain station, before he/she must prepare... to board another... Each ship, has different passengers... and gets to a particular destination, in a different fashion... than others.." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:51 PM (2/6/23):
Maxence Cyrin - Where is my mind (slowed) - YouTube

"Do or do not; there is no try..." - Yoda

Empire Strikes Back Yoda training Luke part 3 "Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try." (HD) - YouTube (3:55-4:25 is my favorite part)

The presumption of this statement, is that one either suceeds or fails (all or nothing)... To reach new heights, one must often traverse lengthy and deceptive... plateaus... 

1:41 PM (2/6/23):
Let go of other people’s opinions - YouTube

"Great introspection, typically gives rise... to fluidity of thoughts... and this can promote individuality/independence..." -  Michael Izuchukwu

1:38 PM (2/6/23):

Thewizardliz being iconic for 5 minutes straight ✨ - YouTube

"Life is a test to see what is done, with the given time... You can't buy extra time, but in a sense... you can buy extra money (via the right investments, which counter 'diminishing returns')..." - Michael Izuchukwu


12:41 PM (12/9/21):

"Before executing certain actions, one should contemplate... their implications... If humans were to venture into the depths of the cosmos, what exactly would they hope to accomplish... for themselves...? ...and, assuming they went 'way beyond' the outer reaches of our solar system... would they seek to return... More importantly, could they? 

...The Earth is the sole home, humans have known... which presently hosts about 7.7 billion (7,700,000,000) of them... Adam and Eve were placed in the 'Garden of Eden' several thousands of years ago... and before that, one only knows... Exactly what was happening on Mars (4th planet from our sun) at that time...? Is it not possible that such was inhabited at a time, when humans had not the means... to authenticate such, for themselves...?" - Michael Izuchukwu 

Man of Steel - Krypton [Part 4] - YouTube

1:47 PM (12/9/21):

"In order to know where one has going, one has to know where one has been... ...if one seeks to do so, genuinely... If a person were to just awaken in a place that he/she has never been to, ascertaining the journey to that location... may prove difficult... There are usually 'a means,' affiliated with 'an end'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Khalid - Young Dumb & Broke (Official Video) - YouTube

3:07 PM (12/9/21): "The earth orbits around the sun, every 365 days ('1' year)... given from our perspective, this 'relationship' is heliocentric... Due to the effects of spacetime, on some worlds in the cosmos... a matter of years could be days, and vice versa... Such gives credence to the notion, that 'heaven' is on another Earth... but not reachable, by any 'material-based' spaceship..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Contact - Opening Scene (HD) - YouTube

“But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years… are like a day…" - 2 Peter 3:8

“Then I saw ‘a new heaven and a new earth,’ for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away… and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem… coming down out of heaven, from God... prepared as a bride, beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, or mourning or crying or pain… for the old order of things has passed away'…” – Revelation 21

4:01 PM (12/9/21): "Is the meaning of life, to discover the meaning...? Or is it something more? Perhaps such is to find a way, to get to heaven... ...given the nature of time's passage, the sooner the better... it would seem, as a means of having a sense of 'structure'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:33 PM (12/9/21): "A very vital question, that governs the manner in which one lives... is whether or not, one genuinely believes in God... There is no greater demonstration of who such is, than Jesus Christ... who is the redeemer, of humanity's sins... having paid the price for them, via His Crucifixion..." - Michael Izuchukwu

 Do You Believe In God? - YouTube

10:05 PM (12/9/21): "The universe is a vast place, and one wonders whether the conditions of our solar system... are commonplace, in others... Perhaps ours is just a 'quiet neighborhood,' and at the other end of our galaxy... ...may exist, more developed, busy ones..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Aphex Twin - Rhubarb (Full Track Loop) - YouTube

10:21 PM (12/9/21): "If contact with extraterrestrials is 'officially' established by human beings (or vice versa), one often wonders who would be the indigenous 'extraterrestrial race'... Humans ('Homo Sapiens') were made in the image of God, and the Garden of Eden was situated on Earth (3rd closest planet to our sun, which is '1' star, of about '100 billion (100,000,000,000)'... in our Milky Way galaxy... The reason for the 'voids between worlds' and the 'Great Cosmological Silence'... assuredly is because the affairs of humans, were intended to separate... from those of E.T. ..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Contact berlin games - YouTube

10:28 PM (12/9/21): "Even if extraterrestrials possessed the means to decipher any of humans' '6,500' spoken languages (on Earth)... their cultural values and contrasting, homeostatic processes... would make attempts at interpreting their responses, futile... A 'primer' would be needed, to gauge the 'truth value'... of anything they might have to say..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:32 PM (12/9/21): "A 'primer' is more or less an 'introductory work,' that helps one understand its larger counterpart... ...like an appetizer, for a 'main course' meal..." - Michael Izuchukwu

***voldy33 (u/voldy33) - Reddit




“You just have to decide what kind of a man you want to grow up to be… …because whoever that man is, good character or bad… he's... he's gonna change the world…” – Jonathan Kent

 "Try not to become a man of success, but rather... a man of value..." - Albert Einstein


1. Michael Izuchukwu – Medium (https://medium.com/@podschike37)

2. Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz299) | TikTok 

3. Entering an elevator of Seton Hall University's Walsh library (12:54 PM, on 3/28/22) - YouTube 

4. Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz318) | TikTok (Denis Vashurin, a candidate 'asymptotic ager')

5. THE FOUNTAIN OF HOPE (2pods89.blogspot.com)

Who are you going to call, if asymptotic aging... is possible...?

"For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit, you put to death the misdeeds of the body... you will live..." - Romans 8:13 (according to Jesus Christ)

"Verily, verily, I say unto you... that if a man keep my saying, he shall never see death..." - John 8:51 (according to Jesus Christ)

"Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons... and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness'..." - Matthew 7:22-23 (according to Jesus Christ)

SPIRITUAL OPTIMIZATION (2skywalking47.blogspot.com)

A Beautiful Mind intro scene - YouTube (5:30 PM, 2/17/23)

out of many one e pluribus unum - Google Search (5:37 PM, 2/17/23)

"My favorite actor is Russell Crowe (A Beautiful Mind, Man of Steel, Noah)..." - Michael Izuchukwu (6:16 PM, on 2/17/23)



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