(Rice University quad, from 'a time ago' - Spring 2009, perhaps)
I'm a dude, who was a student at Rice University (September 2008 - December 2010), who graduated (elsewhere - Seton Hall University, in May 2015... with a behavioral science degree)... ...prior to being at Eastern Virginia Medical School (2016-2019), in a remote capacity...
(teleporting through spacetime)
(interesting perspective, from Dr. Antonio Webb)
Teach yourself ELECTROMAGNETISM! | The best resource for learning E&M on your own. - YouTube (0:00-1:38, was refreshing... regarding Spring 2009, at Rice)
Electricity & magnetism (Physics 102) was the course at Rice, I probably found... most counterintuitive (although, such 'was interesting')





Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook -

Facebook -


East coast >>> Eastern Standard Time



4:06 PM (10/16/23):

sunday reset vlog ♡ clean with me, preparing for a productive week, laundry, meal prep & more! - YouTube

The food being cooked, at 0:19-0:33 of this video... is salivating (random YouTube video recommendation)...


1:58 PM (10/16/23):
Student loan borrowers will get a hand in saving for retirement next year (

When I read this article, I thought to myself... 'exactly how much money, does one need... to retire, comfortably'... Perhaps such is a matter, of mind over matter... in the context, of the relationship... between one's mortality... and the link between time, and money... Also, I would add... that 'return on investment (ROI),' refines... the perceived value, of whatever money... one retires with...

2:03 PM (10/16/23):
A question that may be of interest or value, is at what age... does the value of $100,000, one may have... by age 30... become less in personal value (regarding 'one's spending power')... than then... relation, to what one could do with such (aside from, 'for others')...


1:50 PM (10/16/23):

"Something 'I should' be eating for dinner tonight - garlic butter fettuccine, with shrimp... Such looks salivating..." - Michael Izuchukwu



8:30 AM (10/16/23):
Yale University Vlog | Moving In, Baking with Friends, New Bedding - YouTube

Regarding 0:00-1:11 of this video, my immediate impression... was that the Asian dude (Tony Wang), was encrypting himself as 'an old man'... ...that was moving in, to Yale University (for his sophomore year)...


8:18 AM (10/16/23):
I 'just' had the idea, that there must be a reason... why at the White House, there is the 'Oval Office'... Perhaps, the shape of that building... was inspired, by the fact... that human eyes, are 'oval-shaped'... ...and there was intent, to give the impression... that the 'Oval Office,' was the 'eyes of America'... ...regarding critiques, on 'international security'...

I suppose that in terms of 'reductionism,' when one is 'taking in' a new place (via traveling)... his/her eyes, are the medium... by which such environmental stimuli, is registered...


8:03 AM (10/16/23):

Moments ago, I started thinking to myself... that when one is not traveling via 'automated means (car, train or plane... for instance),' one may find... that there is a limit, to one's mobility... ...on his/her two legs, due to energy constraints...



6:58 AM (10/16/23):


7:03 AM (10/16/23):

Millionaire's wife reveals how she spends $1M a week (



2 Peter 3:8 (of the bible)


Indecent Proposal: Was it good? (HD CLIP) - YouTube (1:40-2:08)

"I ate 3 syrup-doused pancakes, for breakfast... this morning. I then went on YouTube, and was recommended this video... In such, Demi Moore's character seems like she is saying 'I should have eaten pancakes, for breakfast... this morning... ...given that I am tired, and don't have energy for this...' when she begins crying (in the above video segment)..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

NOTE #1:
I believe Demi Moore, was '31' years old... in this movie. She probably has wondered, about the nature... of 'asymptotic aging (regarding, cashing in... on such... ...'then,' versus now)'...

NOTE #2:

Indecent Proposal: The Indecent Proposal (HD CLIP) - YouTube ('before in time,' I suppose)

[I think the 'tuxedo dude' was going to blackmail Demi's husband (her character's, that is)... in this scene, with 'a tape'... ...when he said the million dollars, could last a lifetime]


When watching 'this' scene, at 4:50 PM on 10/16/23... I pretended I said, to the dude... being exploited 'you know that's your life savings, and that before you know it... ...such is lost, and then he's trying to blackmail you... for $800,000, of your 401K...'


6:56 AM (10/16/23):
The dynamics of the 'above video,' are relative... to those, of this one:

Red Dragon (2002) - Hannibal Lecter Meeting Scene (2/10) | Movieclips - YouTube


9:40 PM (10/15/23):

How to protect your energy - YouTube


I went back to McDonald's, in Orange, NJ (as I had, on 10/13/23 - 2 days ago)... and snapped this photo, of '2' McChicken's... at 8:08 PM, on 10/15/23... The McChicken's were not as adequately heated, this time... and the amount of accompanying lettuce, was underwhelming... relation, to the prior visitation... 
Standardization of 'ideal preparation,' should be sought... The price was $4.88, for '2' of them... I subsequently thought, I had been 'ripped off'... in the context, of the aforementioned...

let us (me and myself)... eat lettuce...


6:22 PM (10/15/23):

"Sometimes, when one examines the history of one's native country... in relation, to that... of one's presumed ancestors... realizes, that some sacrifices are not only prudent... but sensible, given that they are negligible... the context, of the burdens... of one's predecessors..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


7:26 AM (10/15/23):

A digital marketer, who makes $250,000/month... and lives in a mansion... Attesting this, flabbergasts the person... interviewing her...

[Instagram link, did not post]


7:10 AM (10/15/23):

Interesting video of a software engineer, in New York City... who attests to having spent $11,824 in a month... on living expenses... To many people, that is 'big money'... ...regarding what he spent on food, a phone and clothes... in just '30 days'... Personally, if I spent $2,276 on 'new clothes'... in just '1' month... ...I know, I would be 'thinking something'...



9:46 PM (10/14/23):

Slowdive-When The Sun Hits(Live at Fuji Rock Festival 2023) - YouTube



Slowdive happens to be tied, as my favorite band... ...with 'Beach House,' at the moment...

9:50 PM (10/14/23):

Beach House | "Beyond Love" | Pitchfork Music Festival Paris 2015 | PitchforkTV - YouTube

Coldplay has traditionally been my favorite band, but I haven't been attuned to new songs from them... for a long while..., they follow the aforementioned '2'... ...somewhere...


9:22 PM (10/14/23):

As I was reading this 'dual citizenship' article, my immediate impression was that 'HDI value'... could be interpreted to mean value, in terms of 'higher dimensions (in the context, of something 'alien-level/Middle Eastern')'...



hdi value - Google Search 

HDI stands for 'human development index,' and reminds me of the term 'gross domestic product (GDP)'... ...both being measures, for inferring the 'success level,' of a country (in terms of civilization)...


5:16 PM (10/14/23):
In the context of the first 8 posts, on this blog... I would say that James 2:26 of the bible, has 'greater credence'... in the context, of 'their veracity (truth value)':

"For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works... is dead also..." - James 2:26

NOTE #1:
To this, I would ask... what exactly, denotes 'good works'... What makes a work, 'good'...?

NOTE #2: 

Apparently, there is a link... between the body, and the spirit... ...which is linked, to the fact... that there is a link... between faith, and works...

10:52 PM (10/14/23): 

Speculating about the prerequisites, of spiritual security (South Orange, NJ - 8:38 AM, on 10/21/22) - YouTube



4:38 PM (10/14/23):
Interestingly, I noted that it has been 212 days... since 3/16/23... which was when, I had 'some encounter' with an angel... I had documented 'in real time' what transpired... ...but the time interval calculation, since then (the details of such, that is)... led me to believe, that God the Son does not genuinely speak with a person... unless he/she has had an encounter with an angel, by 'some means'... 

Calculate Duration Between Two Dates – Results ( (3/16/23 to 10/14/23)

Angel encounter was detailed, on 3/16/23... here:



3:50 PM (10/14/23):
About 2-3 minutes ago, I had a 'divine revelation'... that God ('God, the Son') was trying to tell me something. I have '2' beanies; one black... and one silver. I had been wearing the black one, for the longest while (for warmth)... but now, such has arguably gotten worn down (or is in need, of 'much washing')... ...I had refrained from wearing the silver beanie, given that such had been previously accompanied... by a 'burning sensation,' atop my head... ...but having put such on (and detected the absence, of 'that heat'), I was inclined to believe... that God had said, 'I have seen your works, over the past '2' years'... and I am now telling you, to remember that the spirit takes precedence to the mind... which does the same, for the physicality/body... ...but that you ought to invest more energy, into monetary motivation... ...than spiritual motivation... ...given that from what I see, your spirit is 'considerably substantiated'...

NOTE #1:
I often think of the color black, as affiliated... with funerals... ...while the color silver, as affiliated... with money...

NOTE #2:

In certain cultures, I suppose that it may be increasingly natural... to wear things, atop... one's head (than others)... ...Jews, for instance (although, I am not Jewish)

Americans Send Help to Israel, Including Supplies That Range From Baby Formula to Tactical Gear (

NOTE #3:
'God the Son' = Jesus Christ

NOTE #4:

4:04 PM (10/14/23):
I had 2 pieces of orange/yellow-colored, crispy tilapia (type of fish)... via an early dinner, about 30 minutes ago... ...along with gravy-topped mashed potatoes, spinach and a cup of lemonade... 

NOTE #5:
I believe my spirit has been fortified, over the past 2 years... from listening to uplifting music (that I find inspiring), doing research related to my present behavioral contractor job, the fine-tuning of my physiology (since 4/12/22, I have managed to 'keep off' 35 pounds - on average, I am '233' pounds now, as opposed to '268') via power walking and plyometrics, the optimization of my dietary intake... and because I have been enhancing, my biblical and spiritual knowledge...


3:38 PM (10/14/23):
Meet 32-Year-Old Man Who Looks Like A 14-Year-Old Boy — Guardian Life — The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News

Denis Vashurin turns 36 years old on 10/27/23 (he was born on October 27, 1987), but arguably... he still will look, like a 13-year-old...

For me, personally... when I was 32 going on to 33, I think such is a bit different... than being 33, and going on to 34... in the context, of 7 (versus '6') years left, until turning 40...

Sodus - YouTube (thought-inducing song)


2:14 PM (10/14/23):

Neil deGrasse Tyson Panicking Over Declassified Photos From Venus By The Soviet Union! - YouTube

Interesting video, regarding 0:00-2:23... I surmise, that there 'very well may be' life... in our planetary system ('the solar system'), although I am exceedingly more confident... about life, beyond such...


Breathe - YouTube

1:48 PM (10/14/23):
Peaceful and soothing music, when contemplating the implications... of post #1 (at 12:22 PM, on 10/14/23)


12:54 PM (10/14/23):

Rosemary by Deftones but it’s only the ending (slowed + reverb) - YouTube (0:00-0:20)


12:28 PM (10/14/23):

‘He Needed Somebody to Do Time with Him’: Resurfaced Clip Proves Jaden Smith Tried to Tell Everyone One Year Ago That Tupac Proposed to Mom Jada Pinkett Smith While Incarcerated (

Crazy stuff...


12:22 PM (10/14/23):
Not too long ago, after having showered and taking note... that the rain outside, had not subsided... I had the revelation, that the manner in which Jesus Christ ascended to heaven... denoted by the process, that preceded... 'that moment, in time'... Jesus Christ had a certain vector (magnitude and direction), that could be thought of as the interplay... of His spirit, mind and body... Essentially, this implies that 'the process' is partially physical, partially mental and partially spiritual... ...although the nature of one's focus, during the optimization of his/her vector... ...determines the length, of 'the process'... 


2:58 PM (10/14/23):

NOTE #1:
Perhaps the above 'interplay (in the order of physicality, mind and spirit),' could be expressed as the numbers '1-1-9'... This implies, that Jesus Christ's body and mind, may have been comparable ('nearly even')... while His Spirit... may have been at least 9 times greater, than His mind ('or body')... 

Given that Jesus Christ could walk on water ('of physicality'), one wonders... what His mind, was capable of... ...'For me,' imagining Jesus Christ's spirit... is more logical, than His mind...

(I do believe, that getting your body and mind... to a level, of equivalency... is 'very difficult')

NOTE #2:

I believe that the mind has a greater influence, on the spirit... than the body (in terms of potency/power, or speed)... ...when the development of all '3' variables (and the interplay, on each other), is being assessed...


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