A. (6) Michael Izuchukwu (@Michael20983136) / Twitter



TIME: 10:22 PM (6/3/22):

VIDEO: Pembroke Mall Walkthrough (Virginia Beach, VA - Summer 2019) - RECAP - YouTube

CAPTION/QUOTE: "I haven't been to Virginia since the summer of 2019, but I surmise that if I were to visit... I would have an interest in seeing the coastline, aside from the campus of Eastern Virginia Medical School... I would probably stop by Virginia Beach, VA, and Ghent (a neighborhood in Norfolk, VA)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

TIME: 11:20 PM (6/3/22):

VIDEO: Batman Begins - The Opening (part 2) "If you devote yourself in an ideal" - YouTube

CAPTION/QUOTE: "To map out the means for goal attainment, via a plan... requires a great deal of determination, to deter straying... from that course. There tend to be naysayers along the path, to the fulfillment... of an ideal... likely because they themselves, may harbor insecurities..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:16 AM (6/4/22): "Asymptotic aging, likely requires a great deal of effort... In the context of the following 2 blogs, I surmise that a 'spiritually valid' journey... throughout life, is more commendable than one, that is flawed... Regarding that which is spiritual, mental and physical... I recently reached a conclusion. Personally, my chronological age (time on Earth) is presently 32 (until 11/2/22)... but I feel as though my biological age (that of my physiological appearance), is no older than 23 (in the context of having never used paraphernalia, smoked, or drank any alcoholic beverage... to this date)... If I were to reach the chronological age of 69, and look no older than 36... that would be confirmation to me, that I have mastered the skill/art... of 'asymptotic aging'... and am on the right trajectory... regarding getting to heaven, via 'natural means'... assuming I continue to advance, in the ways... of the spirit...

...such a feat, would be a clear sign... that Jesus Christ was on that path, but the conditions of His time (over 2,000 years ago), expedited His ascent to heaven... via unconventional/unintended means...

...at the time of His Crucifixion (age 33), Jesus may have felt like a 90-year-old man..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Jesus Christ... transported a cross for 3 hours, prior to dangling from one... for 6 hours (Jesus' 9-hour Crucifixion, ended at 3 PM)...

FOLLOWING THE THREAD (2skywalking48.blogspot.com) &

SNAP-SCROLL #2 https://www.facebook.com/Michael.izuchukwu.904 (tumblr.com)

7:36 AM (6/4/22):
(a photo of Sanna Marin, Prime Minister of Finland... she presently is 36 years old, but imagine if she was 69 here... chronologically)

4:34 PM (6/4/22):
"One wonders how much it's worth, to look 69 years old one day... and then 36 years old, the next... assuming, such a physiological change could be paid for... Nevertheless, due to the biological processes that would require... such a feat is likely 'impossible'... The distortion of 'higher dimensions,' would be a hypothetical requirement... given that 'time' is regarded as the fourth dimension, in the context of spacetime (aside from the three spatial dimensions of length, width and height/depth)...
...If one could erase 33 years from one's physiology, within the timespan of a day (24 hours)... my estimation is that the cost of such would be several trillions of dollars. It has been said time is money, but such cannot be recaptured... so, the two variables... are 'false equivalents'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
4:46 PM (6/4/22):
Theoretical estimate: $3,700,000,000,000 (3.7 trillion dollars), implying that for each year one had shaved off... the cost would be 100 billion dollars (aside from the 400 billion dollar taxation)

"Nothing is certain except death, and taxes..." - Benjamin Franklin, 1789

  "...and Jesus said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children... you will never enter… the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 18:3

“It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man… to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven…” – Matthew 19:24

7:53 AM (6/4/22):
"Just as one cannot do multiplication/division, before addition/subtraction... a process must be concurrently 'in motion,' and 'actively refined'... in order, to be perfected..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:59 AM (6/4/22):

8:31 AM (6/4/22):


1. Proper diet/nutrition

2. Daily exercise

3. Being high-spirited

4. Proper hygiene

5. Meditation

6. Adhering to minimalism-based regimens

Livingston Mall food court, egg roll from Sarku Japan (11:33 AM, on 4/27/22)

1:30 PM (5/7/22):
"Over time, more things change... than stay, the same... The net knowledge of humanity has expanded, with technological advancement... but in the timespan of a human life, one must take care... to live such with expediency, and in accordance with that which has intrinsic value..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Humans have varying life expectancies across the world, but there is a link between such and literacy... which typically is attributable to one's level of education

"The Earth is 'culturally intricate,' given that across its 7 continents, there are 195 countries... comprised of at least 10,000 cities... in which at least 6,500 languages, are spoken...

2:03 PM (5/7/22):

“Three centuries from now, they may have ships that can take a person to the end of the solar system… in just six hours… I want to be around, when that happens... because by then, a plethora of new possibilities... will be possible…” – Michael Izuchukwu



7:59 AM (5/27/22):

"The following is an interesting, yet controversial video… In the context of U.S. history, the times we now live in… could be worse, but can be better… Nevertheless, I tend to speculate about the nature of the future… more readily, than the past.

Bank Refuse Black Man To Enter, So He Buys The Bank And Become Their Boss - YouTube

...One could say that after watching such, the notion of ‘excess TV watching’ seems relatively asinine… in the context of that which was accessible, prior to the production… of ‘high definition television,’ and in the scope of television watching… throughout human history.

Technology gets outdated, over time…" - Michael Izuchukwu

OBSERVATIONS — #22 “Artistic depiction of a ‘space-train,’ by... (tumblr.com)


11:53 AM (5/27/22): 

"The following is an interesting article... evidently, to reach 'billionaire-status' by the age of 25... one likely has to be thinking like an advanced high schooler, when in middle school... Aside from luck, having encouraging and educated parents... helps, to facilitate... that potential..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The New Youngest Self-Made Billionaire In The World Is A 25-Year-Old College Dropout (forbes.com)

11:57 AM (5/27/22): 

"There is no guarantee that intellect and opportunity, will translate into great fortune... Such is contingent on the optimization, of many variables... Often, such achievements are reached... by unconventional means... ...that one's parents, may have not foreseen... or overlooked... assuming such is merit-based..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:23 PM (5/27/22):

"It has been said that the only constant, is change (over time)... Such applies to many things, such as the seasons, a human form, times of day, and other variables... In the context of spacetime, an aspect of defying such... may be consistency, in the manner by which... one changes... To me, such is synonymous for 'asymptotic aging'... which is easier to achieve, once one has established a certain degree of self-sufficiency... but time is something that cannot be recaptured, and there are checkpoints which must be completed (as opposed to bypassed)... for one to receive the necessary feedback, for inferring whether or not... one is experiencing... those effects..." - Michael Izuchukwu
CARL SAGAN - A Way of Thinking - YouTube


9:35 PM (5/27/22):

"An interesting video, which I first encountered... some years ago... Some aspects of the past hold sway, while others have faded... just as some of the present, shall endure... Each generation of individuals, is confronted by different forms of media intake... which refines our collective experiences..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(GoT) Jon Snow || The White Wolf - YouTube


9:47 PM (5/27/22): "At first, I thought this was an extraterrestrial, of the same species as Yoda... from Star Wars. ...but such is a dude in a costume, from the 1982 film 'E.T. the Extraterrestrial'... This view is from that of E.T. ..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9:52 PM (5/27/22): "Somewhere on google, I had found this photo... When E.T. was approaching, 'he/it' turned around (after passing)... as though he recognized this dude... from some planet he may have passed, when en route to Earth..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:00 PM (5/27/22):
"Diversity on Earth, is quite vast... Among 190 (of 195) countries on Earth... 650 ethnic groups/ethnicities... were identified... 

Prior to relating to extraterrestrials, there are many estranged/ostracized people of the world (regarding their culture, ideology and literacy rate) that should be reconciled... with those of more developed nations..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:12 PM (5/27/22):
"It was recently that I concluded, that 'genuine' asymptotic aging... is only possible, if one is 'spiritually driven/fortified'... The realm of the spirit is not only real, but such transcends that of the material (the realm/plane we presently reside in)... and influences such (and its constituents)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:16 PM (5/27/22):
"If one has the fortune of world travel... of the 195 countries in the world, one should ask oneself which ones seems relatable to oneself... based off where he/she may have grown up... and do a ratio for the number of countries one has an interest in visiting, to those that there are... ...to find a percentage, and gauge just how much of the Earth... one may unconsciously feel is 'genuinely foreign'... to oneself (assuming one has the time)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:22 PM (5/27/22): 
"In the context of the aforementioned, thinking about how much of the Earth... one has yet to see (outside of the region of the world, one lives in)... gives 'tremendous credence' to the notion, that there are many pockets of the cosmos... that are not only unseen, but occupied by 'populated' exoplanets (those outside out solar system)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:33 PM (5/27/22):


"Interesting article... When reading the title, the thoughts that appeared to me... were 'you're going to need Jesus, if that's the case'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Interesting video... I wonder if she is talking about drafts, as in NFL... or NBA..." - Michael Izuchukwu



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